Sintomas Mórbidos: a encruzilhada da esquerda brasileira (2019)
“Morbid symptoms: the crossroads of the Brazilian Left”
Autonomia Literária – Portuguese
Se quiser mudar o mundo: um guia político para quem se importa (2020)
“If you want to change the world: a political guide for those who care”
Editora Planeta – Portuguese
New edition of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ The Communist Manifesto – revision, notes and introduction
Paz e Terra – Portuguese
Also available as Audiobook (2023)
O Dezoito de Brumário de Luís Bonaparte (2023)
New edition of Karl Marx’s The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte – revision, notes and introduction
Paz e Terra – Portuguese
Global Authoritarianism: Perspectives and contestations from the South (2022)
Co-editor and author of book chapter
As part of the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies
Transcript – English