Book chapters

Fernandes, Sabrina. “Old and New Sacrifice Zones in Latin America”. The Anthropocene as a Multiple Crisis: Perspectives from Latin America. Routledge. (forthcoming)

Bringel, Breno and Sabrina Fernandes. “Hacia un nuevo internacionalismo ecoterritorial”. In Más allá del colonialismo verde: Justicia Global y Geopolítica de las Transiciones Ecosociales. Miriam Lang, Breno Bringel y Mary Ann Manahan (Eds.) Clacso, 2023.

— Bringel, Breno and Sabrina Fernandes. “Towards a New Eco-Territorial Internationalism”. In The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism: Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions. Miriam Lang, Breno Bringel y Mary Ann Manahan (Eds.) Pluto Press, 2024.

Fernandes, Sabrina. “Ecossocialismo a partir das margens”. Ecossocialismo brasileiro – avanços e desafios. Arlindo Rodrigues e Suelma Ribeiro Silva (orgs.). Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2023.

Fernandes, Sabrina. “Right-Wing Authoritarianism Against Nature: The Latin American Context”. In Global Authoritarianism: Perspectives and Contestations from the Global South, edited by IRGAC. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2022.

Fernandes, Sabrina. “Environmental Contradiction: The Need for an Eco-Socialist Paradigm on the Brazilian Left.” In Challenging the Right, Augmenting the Left, edited by Robert Latham, A.T. Kingsmith, Julian von Bargen, and Niko Block. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2020.

Fernandes, Sabrina. “Foreword” in Arquitetura de Arestas: as Esquerdas em Tempos de Periferização do Mundo, by Edemilson Paraná e Gabriel Tupinambá. Autonomia Literária, 2022.

Fernandes, Sabrina. “Foreword” in O ecossocialismo de Karl Marx: capitalismo, natureza e a crítica inacabada à economia política, by Kohei Saito. Boitempo Editorial, 2021.