Fernandes, Sabrina. Les luttes socio-écologiques en Amérique latine. Actuel Marx 76 (2024).
Fernandes, Sabrina. ““Just” Means “Just” Everywhere: How Extractivism Stands in the Way of an Internationalist Paradigm for Just Transitions.” International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society (2024): 1-19.
Huberman, Bruno, Sabrina Fernandes. Descolonizar futuros palestinos: o papel da comunidade internacional para a resolução justa da Questão Palestina/Israel. Revista Marx e o Marxismo, v.11, n.21, (2023): 15-34.
Lowy, Michael, Bengi Akbulut, Sabrina Fernandes, and Giorgos Kallis. “For an Ecosocialist Degrowth.” Monthly Review 73, no. 11 (2022): 56-58.
— M Löwy, G Kallis, S Fernandes, B Akbulut. Por un decrecimiento ecosocialista Mientras tanto, 20 (2022).
Fernandes, Sabrina. “Ecosocialism from the Margins.” NACLA Report on the Americas 52, no. 2 (2020): 137-143.
Grigera, Juan, Jeffery R. Webber, Ludmila Abilio, Ricardo Antunes, Marcelo Badaró Mattos, Sabrina Fernandes, Rodrigo Nunes, Leda Paulani, and Sean Purdy. “The long Brazilian Crisis: a forum.” Historical Materialism 27, no. 2 (2019): 59-121.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Pedagogia crítica como práxis marxista humanista: perspectivas sobre solidariedade, opressão e revolução. Educação & Sociedade (Impresso), v. 37, p. 481-496, 2016.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Neoliberalization of education in Brazil: the impact of cursinhos and the private sector on pedagogical practices and access to university. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, v. 40, p. 351-367, 2015.
Klein, Stefan ; Fernandes, Sabrina. Reflexões Críticas acerca do Processo de Bolonha à luz das contribuições de Herbert Marcuse e Paulo Freire. Constelaciones: Revista de Teoria Crítica, v. 6, p. 144, 2014.
Fernandes, Sabrina. The World Bank’s position on early child education in Brazil: a critical assessment of contributions and shortcomings. Journal of Education Policy, v. 29, p. 1-17, 2013.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Dilma Rousseff and the challenge of fighting patriarchy through political representation in Brazil. Journal of International Women’s Studies, v. 13, p. 1, 2012.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Brazil Is Burning and Agribusiness Must Be Held Liable. Nacla, 2024.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Para combater as queimadas, Brasil precisa se libertar do agro. The Intercept Brasil, 2024.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Solidariedade é essencial mas a crise climática exige ações enérgicas do estado. The Intercept Brasil, 2024.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Food for Internationalist Thought. Seeds of sovereignty: contesting the politics of food (Dossier), Alameda Institute and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 2024.
Huberman, Bruno, Sabrina Fernandes. Palestine expected more from Latin America. Novara Media, 2024.
Huberman, Bruno, Sabrina Fernandes. Israel não vai cumprir acordos nem descolonizar a si mesmo – o mundo precisa agir. The Intercept Brasil, 2023.
Huberman, Bruno, Sabrina Fernandes. Israel doesn’t care about your resolutions. Africa is a Country, 2023.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Countries’ Paltry Climate Pledges Will Let the International Working Class Burn. Truthout, 2023.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Transição Justa. Revista Jatobá, 2023.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Sovereignty and the Polycrisis. The war in Ukraine and the questions of internationalism (Dossier), Alameda Institute, 2023.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Popular Organizing is the Only Way to Stop Bolsonarismo. Nacla, 2023.
Fernandes, Sabrina. An Ecosocialist Strategy to Win the Future. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 2022.
—Hacia el siglo veintidós. Jacobin America Latina, 2022.
—Rumo ao Século 22. Jacobin Brasil, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Lula can set the bar higher for a new presidency. Africa is a Country, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina and Loren Balhorn. Will Lula Get a Second Chance?. Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 2022.
—¿Otra oportunidad para Lula?. Jacobin America Latina, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Electric Cars Won’t Save Us. Jacobin Magazine, 2022.
—Os carros elétricos não vão nos salvar. Jacobin Brasil, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina. ; Pagliarini, A. ; Denvir, D. . Lula Can Win This Year’s Presidential Election in Brazil. Jacobin Magazine, 2022.
—Lula va a volver, la cuestión es cómo. Jacobin America Latina, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Lula’s Road Back to the Presidency Will Be a Bumpy One. Jacobin Magazine, 2022.
—El regreso de Lula será una carrera con obstáculos. Jacobin America Latina, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Less is more? Degrowth as a change in direction. Monitor, vol 29, no 2, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina.; Brand, U. . Una solución antimperialista a la crisis ecológica. Jacobin America Latina, 2022.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Horn, C. . Brazil’s Far-Right Government Is Using COP26 to Greenwash Its Image. Jacobin Magazine, 2021.
—As falsas soluções do governo Bolsonaro na COP26. Jacobin Brasil, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Florestan Fernandes: explaining authoritarianism beyond the fascist experience. IRGAC, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Bolsonaro Is Criminalizing the Brazilian Left. Jacobin Magazine, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina. La catástrofe ecológica inminente (y los medios para combatirla). Jacobin America Latina, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina, E. Gudynas, M. Löry Y R. Ramírez Galegos. Extractivismo y soberanía en América Latina. Jacobin America Latina, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Brésil: les dilemmes de la gauche. Nuveaux Cahier du Socialisme, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina. ; Lowy, M. . Tempos de Barbárie pedem Ousadia. Jacobin Magazine, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina . Una visión ecosocialista para la descarbonización en América Latina. Tricontinental Cuaderno 2, 2020.
—Uma visão ecossocialista para a descarbonização na América Latina
Fernandes, Sabrina. Afraid to #StayAtHome: Bolsonaro’s mobilization of fear during the pandemic. IRGAC Journal of Social Science Research, 2020.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil Is a Nightmare That Could Get Worse. Jacobin Magazine, 2019.
Fernandes, Sabrina. ; Fogel, B. ; HochuliI, A.. Brazil’s Ultra-Politics. Jacobin Magazine, 2018.
Fernandes, Sabrina.; Guajajara, S. An Indigenous Reconstruction in Brazil. Jacobin Magazine, 2018.
—Não há luta por liberdade sem a luta indígena. Jacobin Brasil, 2021.
Fernandes, Sabrina. The Lula Question. Jacobin Magazine, Nacla 2018.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Brazil’s Abortion Battle. Jacobin Magazine, 2017.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Borges, S. S. . A esquerda antipunitiva. Justificando, 2017.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Assessing the Brazilian Workers’ Party. Jacobin Magazine, 2017.
Fernandes, Sabrina. The right marches on Brazil. Jacobin Magazine, 2016.
Fernandes, Sabrina. The cost of saving Rousseff. Jacobin Magazine, 2015.
Fernandes, Sabrina. Post-Politics in Brazil. Jacobin Magazine, 2014.